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Zoho Lens: Augmented Reality-Powered Visual Guides That Facilitate Remote Support

Being a part of today’s busy life, organizations require live, frictionless, and seamless products to detect technical issues in real time and deliver live support in real time. Zoho Lens is exactly the kind of innovative, Augmented Reality (AR)-powered remote support software with which organizations can offer hand-free, real-time visual assistance never before. From industries of manufacturing, field service, and IT, Zoho Lens is for people who drive more coordination, lower downtimes, and offer quick fixes without ever entering the premises of their clients.

Billed Annually
Billed Monthly
  • Free Standard Professional
    In RUPEES ₹0 ₹375/
    1 technician/month billed annually
    1 technician/month billed annually
    In DOLLARS $ 0 $ 8/ 1 technician/month billed annually $ 13/ 1 technician/month billed annually
    In GBP £0 £6/ 1 technician/month billed annually £10 1 technician/month billed annually
    In EUROS €0 €8/1 technician/month billed annually €13/1 technician/month billed annually
  • Free Standard Professional
    In RUPEES ₹0 ₹450 1 technician ₹759 1 technician
    In DOLLARS $ 0 $91 technician $151 technician
    In GBP £0 £7.20   1technician £12 1technician
    In EUROS €0 €9 1technician €15 1technician

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